Saturday, February 21, 2009

Los Angeles Times

Just sending more troops can't solve such tough problems as getting militants to lay down arms and allies to send more soldiers, and eliminating extremist havens. streamyx hotline terminate streamyx streamyx helpline

President Obama's war strategy began to take shape with his announcement last week that 17,000 additional U.S. troops are headed to Afghanistan. But the thorniest problems still await him: persuading militants to lay down their arms, coaxing help from allies and eliminating extremist havens on the Afghan-Pakistan border.

Foreigners wary of long-term US securities

NEW YORK, Feb 21 ?Just when the United States really, really needs the money, overseas investors seem to be less willing to buy long-term American securities.

The government said lajukan streamyx week that net purchases of those securities fell to US$412.5 billion (RM1.5 trillion) in 2008, less than half the 2007 level and the lowest annual total since 1999, when the federal government was running a budget surplus.

Money did come in, but it was diverted into the safest investment around, albeit one with almost no expectation of streamyx 4m Treasury bills. Overseas investors 2640t streamyx their holdings of those securities by US$456 billion, an unprecedented flow.